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idiscodiva's Comments

idiscodiva says: (10 years ago)
I canceled my services with Time Warner on 6/12/14 because I bought a house. I decided to go with U-Verse. My account was paid on time and didn’t have a balance. On 7/19/14, I received a bill that I owed for 6/19-7/19. Of $233.86. I called 4 times trying to get them to correct their mistake. They said it was their fault and that the cancelation was not entered right and that everything is fixed now. On 08/19/14, I get a letter from a collections for Time Warner for $56.03. So, I called them. The collector and I called Time Warner and an hour later is fixed. I even had a credit $1.77. They were trying to charge me f or a service that I canceled, return the equipment, and no one was living there. I’m sure they do this to a lot of people. They could have messed up my credit. They were trying to take money that was not owed to them. I’m glad a switched cable to U-Verse!
(How to file complaints about TWC)

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