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zeecat7's Comments

zeecat7 says: (10 years ago)
I bought some rings from Rocks Tv, and had to return 3 of them. I sent them back in December, 2 weeks before Christmas and I used USPS priority mail machine. The machine did not give me the receipt and I just did not remember that, I was in a hurry, and the post office was really busy. Anyways,I never received a refund. I contacted them in Jan, Fev. They have no control of their stock. They wanted me to send the tracking number, but I said I did not have it! I have returned items to many other places, and was never asked for tracking, and ALWAYS received a refund. What a waist of time and MONEY! I wish I did not have return the items. Even better, that I had never saw that program on TV!!! No respect, no control, no organization :(
("The Big Night")

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