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timewarneristerrible's Reviews

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timewarneristerrible's Comments

timewarneristerrible says: (10 years ago)
TWC updated the firmware in my router automatically and removed the parental control feature I used to protect my children. They pointed me to a new firewall feature but it doesn't have the same capabilities plus no one can answer my specific questions about its configuration. I've called 10 times about this issue. Tonight I wanted on hold twice for approximately 30 minutes each time to speak to "level 3" but the call dropped each time. We have no choice in Los Angeles for high speed internet but when we do, TWC will by gone in my house. They are terrible the regulators don't care. I'm sure TWC makes plenty of "campaign contributions" to hold on to the franchise. This is terrible. I don't see how their stock can be so strong when they are such a terrible company. They are #3 on the Most Hated Companies list.
(How to file complaints about TWC)

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