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panicatthewhat's Comments

panicatthewhat says: (9 years ago)
I totally agree with this. Stupid Disney does some weird stuff sometimes but this is stupid stupid stupid Disney. homeschoolers are NOT unsocialized and IN FACT they have it better than public schoolers. FIRST of all dumb fat retards who portray homeschoolers like this haven't even ever been homeschoolers themselves so how the heck would they even know crap about what it's like? I have nothing against public schoolers but I just see no good reason to go out of your way to offend homeschoolers just for the fun of it. Learning how to show a little more respect to the people who dont deserve to see idiotic stereotypes can't hurt and can go a long way. Grow up. Thank you so much.
(stupid homeschooler on good luck charlie)

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