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Togusa's Reviews

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Togusa's Comments

Togusa says: (10 years ago)
I totally agree with you. I am still trying to resolve my issue . You can read about it here at microsoft discussion.

It really has put me off Microsoft hardware and my aim now is to get the message across to people wrt to the minefield they are getting in when purchasing Microsoft hardware.

(New Microsoft Surface tablet failed)

Togusa says: (10 years ago)
Hi There, I would recommend to purchase from another company as I have had problems with my Surface Pro 2 . I have shared my experience at Microsoft.

(Microsoft Surface)

Togusa says: (10 years ago)
HI Gwen,

I understand how you feel as I have a problem that is still unresolved since January. I am now trying to get the message across on Facebook and any other outlets wrt to how Microsoft Handles their customers. Here is a post of my situation...

I guess we need to keep getting the message out.

(Complaints about Microsoft)

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